People enjoying coffee together. Massage and massage chairs provide mental health benefits that can improve your social life

Self-Care with a Massage Chair Can Improve Your Social Life

Did you know a luxury massage chair can improve your social life? Sure, an on-demand, immersive relaxation experience that is also a collector’s item could have friends and neighbors visiting your house at all hours, but that’s not what we mean. Regular sessions in a good massage chair can improve your mood by relieving pain and tension and alleviating stress.

Massage and Pain Relief

Massage can be a component in your pain management regimen. Massage is known to improve circulation by stimulating the area of the body to which it is applied. Improved circulation can help repair damaged tissue and speed up the removal of lactic acid, leading to improved recovery and reduced discomfort in the affected area. This also helps reduce inflammation, yet another culprit for acute and long-term pain and discomfort. Finally, massage can reduce stress, which is known to exacerbate pain. Massage’s stress-reducing and relaxation effects have many benefits, including pain relief.

Massage to Reduce Muscle Tension

Pain relief is one aspect of massage, and another common takeaway is the reduction of muscle tension. Muscle tension or tightness can be a symptom of stress, injury, or simply overworking an area. This tension can cause other discomfort. For instance, tight muscles around the neck can cascade down to the trapezius and deltoid muscles of the shoulder and beyond into the upper back area. Kneading, rubbing, and specialized pressure can help to relax the tension and restore balance in the body.

Massage and Stress Relief

Another benefit of massage is alleviating the effects of stress, such as muscle tension. Releasing positive hormones, including dopamine, can combat stress while improving mood. Massage reduces stress, a key component of insomnia and other sleep disorders, leading to better and more restful sleep. Better sleep patterns are shown to improve overall wellness and mood.

Massage Chairs With Aromatherapy Can Maximize Benefits

Some luxury massage chairs can take the self-care a step further with built-in aromatherapy. OHCO’s M.8 Series chairs feature aromatherapy with a built-in diffuser, completing the immersive experience with a few drops of your favorite essential oils. Some essential oils such as chamomile, lavender, and ylang-ylang have calming properties and can trigger our body’s relaxation response by reducing stress and anxiety. In tandem with total body massage, aromatherapy can increase a massage’s relaxing and therapeutic effects

How Massage Chair Benefits Can Lead to an Improved Social Life

Pain, tension, and stress can all directly impact energy, mood, and even one’s personality. You feel better with less stress, tension, and pain in your body, but another mood-boosting side effect happens on a neurochemical level. Massage also promotes the release of endorphins–the body’s natural stress reliever–and feel-good neurotransmitters and hormones like serotonin and dopamine, known to enhance mood and overall well-being. Feeling good physically, mentally, and emotionally can adjacently improve social aspects of your life with:

  1. Increased energy and enthusiasm: When you’re less stressed, you’re more likely to have the energy and enthusiasm to engage in social activities.
  2. Improved mood: Stress can lead to negative emotions like irritability and sadness. By managing stress, you can improve your mood and make social interactions more enjoyable.
  3. Better communication: Stress can hinder effective communication. When calmer, you’re more likely to express yourself clearly and listen attentively to others.
  4. Enhanced empathy: Stress can make it difficult to empathize with others. When you’re feeling more relaxed, you’re better equipped to understand and connect with the emotions of those around you.
  5. Stronger relationships: By improving your emotional well-being, you can build stronger and more fulfilling relationships with friends, family, and loved ones.
  6. Increased Confidence: Reducing stress can boost your self-esteem and feel more comfortable in social situations.

These social benefits are cumulative and can lead to:

  • Better Conflict Resolution: When you’re less stressed, you’re better able to handle conflicts calmly and constructively.
  • More Meaningful Connections: Stress can make it challenging to connect with others on a deeper level. By reducing stress, you can form more meaningful and lasting relationships.
  • Increased Participation in Social Activities: When you feel good, you’re more likely to want to participate in social activities and events.

Pain and stress relief combined with the release of positive hormones and neurotransmitters can have a ripple effect beyond the acute health benefits, spilling over into one’s work and social life. A luxury massage chair like the one from OHCO gives us the benefits of massage on demand and more frequently than most people could ever make it to a massage therapist. The benefits of massage keep stacking up! If improving your mood and social aspects are on your list of self-improvements, it makes sense to find an OHCO Japanese Massage Chair Dealer near you and take on one of our luxury models for a test drive.