How a Massage Chair Can Improve Your Chiropractic Outcomes

In 2020, back pain affected 619 million people globally and was the single leading cause of disability worldwide. In many cases, pain triggers an initial visit to the chiropractor. Still, the goal of chiropractic treatment should be less about the pain and more about finding and treating the underlying issues

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The History of Massage Chairs

A Brief History of Massage Massage has a long and rich history, stretching back thousands of years across various cultures: These are just a few highlights. Massage has continued to evolve throughout history, establishing itself as a popular wellness practice worldwide. Osaka, Japan, 1954 The First Electric Massage Chair Nobuo

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The Ethos of Japanese Engineering

From electronics to automobiles and even massage chairs, Japanese products have earned a reputation for being well-designed, reliable and durable. Japan’s pursuit of perfection in product manufacturing derives from its rich culture of discipline and sincerity. The Japanese have achieved their manufacturing prowess mostly by doing simple things very well

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Explore the OHCO M.8 NEO LE Luxury Massage Chair

Investing in the right massage chair can improve your quality of life, but finding the right chair can be overwhelming when you factor in your health goals, budget and the ideal space in your home. The good news is that such a thing as the perfect massage chair exists. Designed

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Can a Massage Chair Improve Your Golf Game?

The short answer is yes Golf is one of the few sports we can play from youth through the golden years, but to do so requires maintaining a healthy body, especially as we age. A golf swing engages the entire body by generating force from a complex twisting and rotating

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Understanding Different Types of Massage Chairs

A Concise Guide to Massage Chair Features and Benefits When it comes to finding the perfect massage chair, the options can sometimes seem overwhelming. With so many technologies and features, you want to take your time to decide. Figuring out what you need can take time, but understanding the terms

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The History of Shiatsu Massage

Shiatsu massage is a Japanese therapeutic massage technique, which in its present form, is just over a hundred years old, but has roots that extend back for thousands of years. Shiatsu is derived from two Japanese words, “shi,” meaning finger, and “atsu,” meaning pressure. Shiatsu massage involves applying pressure to

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Massage Therapy as Part of a Longevity Wellness Plan

Most of us are concerned about longevity or improving our healthy lifespan. Building a longevity wellness plan consists of apparent components such as diet and nutrition, flexibility, and exercise. More recently, plans have grown to include anti-aging regimens for the skin, cold therapies like the infamous cold plunge and cryotherapy,

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The role of shiatsu choreography in massage chair design

Massage chair choreography can be traced back to the early 1950s when a Japanese inventor named Nobuo Fujimoto created the first massage chair. While state-of-the-art at the time, the chair’s mechanical massage didn’t appeal to the majority. But as the benefits of massage became more widely recognized over the years,

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Shiatsu and the Five Elements Theory

The Five Elements Theory is a concept that originated in ancient Chinese philosophy used in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) for centuries. According to this theory, everything in the universe, including the human body, is composed of five elements: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. Each of the five elements includes

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