Woman with desk job sitting down. Prolonged sitting is unhealthy. Massage can mitigate the effects

Dangers of the Desk Job and How Massage Helps

As many jobs become more computer- and internet-centric, we are sitting at desks more and more. Long hours of physical inactivity, once limited to the infirmed or immobile, is now the norm for many of us. After all, sitting at a desk is better than hard physical labor, right? Research might disagree

Why is Sitting So Bad for You?

Prolonged periods of sitting have harmful effects on your health. From metabolic issues to cardiovascular problems and cognitive issues, sitting is so bad it’s been called “the new smoking.”

Negative Cardiovascular Effects of Sitting

Sitting affects the cardiovascular system by changing how blood flows throughout the body, with the most negative impact on legs. This is due to several factors, including decreased blood flow, increased pressure on the veins because gravity causes the blood to pool, and the bent position of the hips and knees for an extended time causes arterial bending, which impedes blood flow. This can be cumulative, creating peripheral issues with vasoconstriction (tightening of blood vessels) and increased blood pressure.

Other problems that develop include varicose veins from the hydrostatic pressure or pressure exerted against the veins from the blood pooling. Blood clots or deep vein thrombosis are another risk imposed by sitting for extended periods.

Musculoskeletal Issues

Sitting for long periods can cause discomfort and pain in various body areas, including the neck, shoulders, lower back, and legs. Over time, these aches and pains escalate due to muscle weakness and decreased bone density.

Impact on Metabolism from Sitting Too Long

The metabolism also suffers from a sedentary job or lifestyle. The reduced muscle activity and subsequent reduction in lean muscle mass cause the body to use less energy and slow the metabolism, causing the body to store more fat. A more insidious side effect is impaired insulin sensitivity, which interferes with the normal process of insulin, leading to high blood sugar levels.

Cognitive and Mental Impairment

Too much sitting may negatively affect brain health, potentially increasing the risk of dementia and anxiety. The previously mentioned issues with blood flow and metabolism also affect cognitive activity. Sitting for long periods decreases blood flow throughout the body, including the brain. This reduced cerebral blood flow can negatively impact cognitive performance. The inactivity associated with prolonged sitting can lead to decreased production of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a protein essential for brain cell growth, function and survival.

Mitigate the Risks of Sitting

Take regular breaks from sitting at the desk. Use them to walk, stretch, or climb stairs. This engages the muscles and gets the blood flowing. The introduction of stand-up and treadmill desks changed the “desk job” experience. Even switching back and forth from sitting and standing while at your desk throughout the day will help keep you healthier. Find time after work for physical activity, such as yoga, running, weightlifting, kickboxing or anything else. We’ve chronicled the amazing benefits of massage. Aspects of massage work to counteract just about every issue prolonged sitting creates. From improved circulation and muscle stimulation to stress relief and improved mood, massage is another tactic of self-care to combat the desk job.

Massage Chairs to Combat the Effects of Prolonged Sitting

A massage chair could sound like more sitting, but it’s a fantastic way to improve the effects of prolonged sitting. A luxury massage chair provides on-demand massage experiences. Instead of booking a massage days or weeks in advance, you can take 5, 10, or 15-minute massage breaks. Activity is still important, but the ability a massage chair provides you to stretch, massage, and even give chromotherapy and aromatherapy for added stress relief from work is unique.

Who knew sitting could be so problematic? The studies show that the health issues presented by prolonged sitting at a desk lead to an increased chance of chronic disease and, ultimately, a higher mortality risk.

If this sounds familiar to you, take steps to stay healthy. Find an OHCO showroom near you to feel the incredible, restorative sensations a 15-minute session could do for you after work or for those who work from home in the middle of your work day.