News & Recognition

The Luxury Self-Care Gift Guide

Finding a thoughtful gift that supports a commitment to health and well-being can be challenging in a world flooded with ordinary products. Until now. Impress your loved one and improve their life with a gift that keeps giving by supporting their healthy lifestyle year-round without leaving the comfort of home.

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Debunking Massage Chair Myths

Massage chairs have become a convenient way to relax and alleviate muscle tension at home. However, several myths and misconceptions surround these devices. Many of the myths surrounding massage chairs stem from the prevalence of lower-end models in the market. These budget-friendly options, while more accessible to the average consumer,

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Use Massage to Improve Your Sleep

We’ve stated it before: sleep is the cornerstone of self-care and better health. Exercising, having the resolve to eat better, and getting better sleep will improve just about every element of your routine. Restful and restorative sleep improves mood, hormone function, and physical recovery. One powerful way to maximize your

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Dangers of the Desk Job and How Massage Helps

As many jobs become more computer- and internet-centric, we are sitting at desks more and more. Long hours of physical inactivity, once limited to the infirmed or immobile, is now the norm for many of us. After all, sitting at a desk is better than hard physical labor, right? Research

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Use These 15 Ideas to Practice Self-Care

The concept of self-care has received much attention in recent years. It makes sense with a population that, despite technological advances, is even busier with work and family and dealing with the increasing stress and anxiety that goes along with that. What is Self-Care? Self-care refers to anything that can

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How to Choose the Right Massage Chair

Are you a fan of massage and all of the benefits that come with it? Is the idea of immersive, total-body relaxation in-home and on-demand attractive to you? If so, a luxury massage chair could be right for you. When you decide on a luxury lifestyle product that is not

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Self-Care with a Massage Chair Can Improve Your Social Life

Did you know a luxury massage chair can improve your social life? Sure, an on-demand, immersive relaxation experience that is also a collector’s item could have friends and neighbors visiting your house at all hours, but that’s not what we mean. Regular sessions in a good massage chair can improve

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A Luxury Massage Chair Can Enhance Athletic Recovery

Recovery has emerged as a critical component of athletic and fitness performance. While techniques like stretching and compression therapy are beneficial, massage is particularly effective in reducing muscle soreness, fatigue, inflammation, and damage. Luxury massage chairs offer a comprehensive recovery solution, combining massage, compression, and stretching therapies in one convenient

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5 Ways a Massage Chair Can Improve Flexibility

As our bodies age, we lose flexibility due to the normal aging process. This can happen for several reasons, including loss of water in our tissues and spine, increased stiffness in our joints, and a loss of muscle tendon elasticity and the pliability of surrounding tissue. Decreased flexibility can negatively

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